A One-for-One Company
Meet the Book-for-Book Promise
For every book we sell, we pledge to donate one to a child in need. Book for book, child for child, it's our promise. Why? Because literacy matters.

Why literacy matters
We can’t solve every problem in the world, but we believe children’s books can help. Illiteracy is linked to many of the world’s greatest challenges, including crime, school dropout rates, and drug use. Yet impressively, just the presence of books in a home can be a leg up for struggling kids. According to one study, “Children growing up in homes with many books get three years more schooling than children from bookless homes, independent of their parents’ education, occupation, and class. This is as great an advantage as having university educated rather than unschooled parents, and twice the advantage of having a professional rather than an unskilled father.”
Unfortunately, many children in need find themselves without adequate access to age-appropriate books. One study found that low-income neighborhoods have, in some US cities, only one book for every three hundred kids (compared to thirteen books for every one child in middle-income neighborhoods).
With our Book-for-Book Promise™, Bushel & Peck Books will be putting quality children’s books into the hands of as many kids as possible. We hope these books bring an increased interest in reading and learning, and with that, a greater chance for future success.
Current Book Pledge:
How our donations work
What kinds of books do you send?
All the books we send are brand new. Some donations will include books that were returned by retailers, but we're sure to only picks ones that are in excellent shape. Most of our donated books are paperbacks—they're lightweight to ship, can fit more to a box, and are cheaper to print, all of which means more books for every child.
How do you evaluate partners?
If you love kids, love books, and believe the two belong together, we'd love to work with you. Our partners include teachers, librarians, and others who are working to get more books into kids' lives. If you'd like to participate, just submit a nomination form (see below) and we'll be in touch!
Do you really mean book for book?
We sure do! We count everything in our tally.
Do you know an organization that could use free books?
We'd love to help! Just fill out this form to nominate them to be one of our giving partners, and we'll see what we can do. We do have a limited stock of free books each year, but if there's any way we can help, we promise we will.